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  • Writer's pictureMatthew C. Walker

Pesto Mozzarella Chicken Patties with Vodka Sauce Reduction

Updated: Jan 29

a finished pan of pesto mozzarella chicken patties with melted cheese sitting on a bed of vodka sauce reduction, sprinled with fresh basil

Not quite Chicken Parm, not exactly a chicken patty. Technically within the keto carb limit but high enough that you couldn’t eat it twice in one day. I present to you Pesto Mozzerella Chicken patties baked over a vodka sauce reduction and a side of classy green beans straight out of the can. Plus, it sounds fun to say your serving ‘pan seared, oven finished ground chicken over a tomato-based vodka sauce reduction and topped with basil pesto and a grated mozzarella’. It’s a chicken patty, and we cooked some excess liquid out of the pasta sauce and melted the cheese, but it sure sounds fancy.


This dish offers a contemporary twist on traditional chicken parm. Instead of the conventional method of thinly slicing and frying butterflied chicken breasts, we opt for a more flavorful approach—searing chicken thighs and finishing them in the oven over our sauce. Our innovation involves a reduction in carbs by minimizing the volume of sauce and eliminating dredging and breading. While canned green beans make a sneaky appearance, the overall carb count remains low, and these beans can easily be substituted for an even lower-carb option.

When preparing the chicken thighs, it's crucial not to overprocess them. Preserve as much fat as possible by pulsing only until you achieve a coarse grind. This method ensures the chicken holds its shape when formed into a patty, eliminating the need for a binder. Exercise caution during the flipping process to maintain the patty's integrity. Enjoy this revamped chicken parm with a delicious reduction in carbs and a burst of innovative flavors.

Nutritional Information

The provided nutritional information has been compiled from various online sources and should be regarded as an estimate. Actual nutritional values may vary based on factors such as specific ingredients used, variations in portion sizes, and individual preparation methods. It is advisable to consider these numbers as general guidelines rather than precise measurements. For accurate nutritional information, it is recommended to consult with a registered dietitian or utilize specialized nutritional analysis tools based on the exact ingredients and quantities used in your preparation.

  • Serving Size: 2 patties, recipe makes roughly 4.

  • Calories: 675

  • Protein: 68 g

  • Fat: 35 g

  • Carbohydrates: 15 g


At the time this was created, all of these ingredients were specifically gluten free, making this recipe gluten free as well. However, as time goes by some manufactures may change their methods and ingredients so always verify the ingredients before use just in case what used to be gluten free is no longer!

  • 1/2 Cup Victoria Vodka Sauce

  • 1/4 Cup Raos Basil Pesto

  • 1/2 Cup Happy Farms Shredded Mozzerella.

  • 20 Ounces Bonless, Skinless Chicken Thighs

  • 1 Can of Green Beans

Seasonings (optional and costomizable)

  • Salt & Pepper

  • Garlic & Onion Powder

  • Italian Seasoning

  • Sweet Basil

Instructions- Pesto Mozzarella Chicken

Vodka Sauce Reduction

To begin this recipe, put ½ cup of the vodka sauce into a medium sized but most importantly oven safe pan on low heat. Spread the sauce out so that it coats the bottom and just keep an eye on it while prepping the other ingredients. We are reducing the commercial sauce by cooking some of the liquid out of it. We want to see the steam rising as the water evaporates off, but don’t really want to sauce to start bubbling. This reduces the liquid content of the vodka sauce and that 'reduction' is what allows us to call this a 'vodka sauce reduction' with a straight face.

This should gradually thicken into a consistency closer to a paste than a sauce. Stir gently if needed so that the edges do not burn. Pull off of the heat and set aside if it thickens before the rest of your ingredients are ready. This is also a good time to preheat your oven. We set the temp to 450F.

Chicken Preparation

To prepare the chicken for the patties, start with a package of skin-on, bone-in chicken thighs. Begin by peeling the skin off and removing the bone. Subsequently, slice the thigh meat into chunks. Using a food processor, pulse the chunks until the texture resembles ground meat. This method allows you to maintain the natural flavors and moisture of the chicken thighs while achieving the desired consistency for your delicious patties.

A bowl of chicken thigh meat that has been pulsed in a food processor to resemble ground chicken

Feel free to customize the flavor profile by adding your preferred chicken or poultry seasoning. In this specific recipe, we recommend seasoning with a blend of salt, pepper, onion powder, garlic powder, Italian seasoning, and basil. Fold these seasonings into the chicken until they are thoroughly incorporated, ensuring a well-balanced and flavorful mix that enhances the taste of your chicken patties. Adjust the seasoning quantities to suit your personal taste preferences.

Begin by preheating a separate pan on medium heat. Apply a light coating of simple nonstick spray to the pan. Shape the chicken into patties using a patty mold. Simultaneously, preheat another frying pan. With 20 ounces of chicken, you should be able to create approximately 4 patties. This dual-pan approach ensures an even and thorough cooking process for the chicken patties and gets dinner on the table faster than baking them would. All for the cost of washing one extra pan.

To cook the chicken patties, treat them similarly to how you would prepare a burger. Achieve a desirable color on the outside, ensuring the internal temperature approaches the 165°F range. Subsequently, transfer the patties to an oven-safe pan where the vodka sauce reduction has taken place. Each patty should be generously coated with pesto and adorned with a layer of mozzarella cheese before being placed into the oven. Allow them to sit until the cheese is thoroughly melted; this process shouldn't take long. Enjoy the delicious fusion of flavors as the patties absorb the essence of the sauce, pesto, and gooey mozzarella.


Once the cheese is melted to perfection, sprinkle a bit more basil over the top for a burst of fresh flavor. Allow the patties to rest on the counter while you prepare your side dish, which, in this instance, involves simply opening and draining a can of green beans. When plating, take care to scoop up as much of the delectable vodka sauce as possible to accompany your patties. Despite portioning only a half cup of sauce between the two servings, you'll want every bit of it on your plate and not left in the pan. Indulge and savor every mouthwatering bite. Enjoy!

The pesto does contribute a significant portion of the calories, while the primary source of carbs is the green beans and sauce. Additionally, the macros lean towards being protein-heavy. If you're looking to incorporate more fat into the dish, consider cooking the chicken in an oil with higher fat content or substituting the green beans with avocado, which adds a rich and creamy texture along with healthy fats. Adjusting these elements allows for flexibility in achieving your desired macronutrient balance.

Certainly, omitting the pesto is a viable option for reducing the overall calorie content of the dish. While pesto adds delicious flavor, it is calorie-dense. By excluding it, you create a lighter version of the meal, making it more suitable for those aiming to cut calories or reduce overall fat intake. The chicken patties, melted mozzarella, and vodka sauce reduction will still offer a delightful combination of flavors without the additional calories from the pesto.

Alternative preparation example with no sauce.

two chicken patties with pesto and mozzarella cheese that have been broiled

Alternatively for larger batches the sauce reduction can be added to a parchment lined baking sheet to broil more patties at once.

broiled pesto mozzarella chicken patties sitting on a parchment covered baking sheet nestled onto a bed of vodka sauce reduction

"Live it, love it, make it your own, modify it to your taste, substitute ingredients, create a snack-sized version, or venture into a completely different culinary realm. Most importantly, infuse it with your personal touch and make it a truly special experience in your kitchen. Happy cooking!"

plated pesto mozzarella chicken patties with a vodka sauce reduction and green beans

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