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How it got started-

The genesis of the name 'Boarding Axe Kitchen' stems from a rebellion against the stifling gatekeeping corporate environment faced by the founder, Matthew. Symbolically, it represented the raising of a black flag, a call to action to make a positive impact. Driven by a desire to contribute to others and find personal fulfillment, Matt, with a neurodivergent special interest passion for culinary arts, naturally fused this interest with a vision to help those in need. The 'Boarding Axe Project' existed informally since 2018 as a placeholder until the right moment, allowing the mission to crystallize and become clearer over time.

In an ideal scenario, winning the lottery would have transformed the Boarding Axe Kitchen, Inc. into a comprehensive service including a food shelf, soup kitchen, and mobile food trucks for on-site pop-up kitchens in critical areas. However, in reality, without such windfalls, the organization operates with available resources, striving to make the most significant impact they can with the resources on hand. The Executive Director collaborates with the Board of Directors to optimize strategies aligned with the overarching mission. This by itself brings another point. The Boarding Axe Kitchen is an incorporated Non-Profit on purpose, by law it cannot be a one man show. There is a system of checks and balances that keep the caricature of the tyrannical CEO away. If one of us becomes power hungry, if we treat people poorly, if we lack integrity and morale character, our bylaws outline how we can be removed from power and our little machine lives on, still fighting to achieve it’s mission. 

‘We’ as in the corporation were born out of frustration. Tired of hear ‘what’ all of the world’s problems were, but no offer or effort of a solution. Just the subjugation to the social ceremony of verbal pugilism of the proselytizer’s pontifications. I would have been less frustrated if the answer to the questions or problems were at least sought. Not knowing the answer is fine. We as humans are imperfect beings and answers to the questions such as “How to solve world hunger”, “… bring world peace”, or “… stop human trafficking” are multifaceted and complex. However, it causes me discomfort to observe and participate in the finding of problems without at least an attempt at fixing them.

A punk, counter-culture, middle finger towards the white collar corporate environment spurred the planting of our flag in an effort to at least attempt to solve the problem of hunger and food insecurity. Futility be damned for a near incomprehensible scope. It makes no difference in the end whether this becomes the Last Charge of the Light Brigade or the Last Ride of the Rohirram. It is as good a hill to die on as any… I said self-righteously to myself as I typed my information into Legal Zoom so they could file my Articles of Incorporation with the State!

Soup and sandwhiches for two displayed on a wooden serving board with drinks served out of blue glass mason jars

As a self-proclaimed food shelf adjunct, our mission revolves around raising funds and resources to support and enhance the services provided by food shelves and pantries. Our approach involves strategic coordination of donations and fundraising efforts to maximize the impact of available resources.

In our efforts, we collaborate closely with food shelves, aiming to understand and address their specific needs. This involves holding fundraisers to generate financial support, determining distribution budgets, and engaging directly with food shelves to identify their most critical requirements. These needs can vary, ranging from allergen-safe foods to an increased volume of shelf-stable options.

Our commitment is to deliver the utmost assistance possible, aligning with the identified needs of each food shelf at any given moment. By coordinating donations and resources effectively, we strive to contribute to the sustainability and effectiveness of food shelves, ensuring they can continue to serve their communities with the necessary resources to combat hunger and food insecurity.

Where we are right now- 

As of 2023, our official focus has been on coordinating resources and funds to support food shelves and pantries, responding to their specific needs. Looking ahead, our vision extends to creating a more structured framework that can offer a broader variety of services to address the multifaceted challenges of hunger and food insecurity.

While our current efforts have made a positive impact, our overarching vision involves the development of a comprehensive program that goes beyond our existing initiatives. We aspire to implement a more organized and expansive approach to provide a diverse range of services to those in need.

Although our grand vision awaits the potential for increased resources, such as winning the lottery, our commitment remains steadfast. We are actively exploring avenues to enhance our impact and effectiveness, continually seeking opportunities to expand our reach and contribute meaningfully to the fight against hunger and food insecurity.

Our vision- 

When I close my eyes at night, I envision a mirrored image of a transformative space—a hybrid of a food pantry and a soup kitchen. One side represents a physical building, conceived with the intention of seamlessly blending the concepts of fine dining and a soup kitchen. The driving force behind this vision is the belief that everyone deserves to eat, with access to 'good' food characterized by dignity and kindness.

In this envisioned space, the emphasis is not only on providing sustenance but on creating an atmosphere where individuals have access to a diverse range of food that resonates with comfort, nutrition, and safety. It's about offering more than just meals; it's about preserving the inherent dignity of each person through thoughtful, nourishing, and safe food options.

This dream reflects a commitment to redefining the narrative surrounding food assistance, ensuring that those in need not only receive sustenance but experience a sense of respect and care. The vision is a testament to the belief that everyone, regardless of circumstances, deserves access to a dignified and fulfilling dining experience.

The mirrored vision extends to a dynamic counterpart, embracing an identical mission but differing in logistics. Here, the concept takes the form of a mobile operation—a food truck and a canteen truck. This mobile approach allows us to bring the essence of our vision directly to those in need, wherever and whenever they require it most.

By mobilizing a soup kitchen and food pantry, we aim to alleviate the burden of transportation that many individuals facing food insecurity may experience. This flexibility enables us to respond swiftly to acute needs, establishing a mobile and accessible food infrastructure during emergencies and natural disasters. The goal is to extend our reach and impact, ensuring that our services are not confined by physical boundaries and that we can effectively adapt to the ever-changing needs of communities.

In essence, this mobile dimension of our vision embodies the spirit of compassion, adaptability, and immediate response, providing essential support to individuals in diverse circumstances.

pots of soup surrounding s single burner canister stove

The 3-Prongs

Our three-pronged approach to fighting hunger and food insecurity, encompassing Food, Education, and Training, forms a comprehensive strategy. Each element contributes to a holistic solution, addressing immediate needs and fostering long-term sustainability:

  1. Food: Providing meals to those in need addresses the immediate challenge of hunger. This ensures that individuals have access to nutritious and satisfying food, promoting their overall well-being.

  2. Education: Empowering individuals with knowledge about cooking skills, food preservation, safety protocols, basic nutrition, and more is an investment in self-sufficiency. Education equips people with the tools to make informed decisions about their food, enhancing their ability to navigate food-related challenges.

  3. Training: Offering culinary and hospitality training goes beyond providing meals. It creates opportunities for skill development and gainful employment, breaking down socioeconomic barriers that contribute to food insecurity. Training programs contribute to the long-term goal of self-sufficiency and community resilience.

Together, these prongs create a synergistic and sustainable approach that not only addresses the symptoms of hunger and food insecurity but also works towards resolving the underlying causes. This comprehensive strategy reflects a commitment to making a lasting and positive impact on the lives of individuals and the community as a whole.


Dedication. Expertise. Passion.

The nonprofit Board of Directors is a dedicated and passionate group of individuals who guide and govern the organization. Comprising diverse talents and expertise, each director brings unique perspectives to collectively drive the nonprofit's mission and vision. With a shared commitment to making a positive impact, the board oversees strategic decisions, ensures financial stability, and provides invaluable support to the organization's initiatives. Together, they steer the nonprofit towards achieving its goals, fostering collaboration, and making a meaningful difference in the community.

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